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Blacktop Resurfacing of Bridge Decks

Durability of concrete bridge decks to mechanical and environmental effects is examined for the
purpose of evaluation of effects of blacktop resurfacing of bridge decks. Aggressive environmental
actions on reinforced concrete are described, classified and equivalent environmental loads
presented. To explain effects of aggressive environmental loads, concrete transport properties
dependent on: concrete structure, external effects, mechanisms in concrete, and chemical reactions

Blacktop Resurfacing of Bridge Decks Brief

Concrete delamination (spalling) in bridge decks is a serious problem. Damage in reinforced concrete structures is caused by many factors, such as alkali-aggregate reaction, faulty design and construction, reinforcement corrosion, corrosive action of chlorides, geotechnical problems, or in general by mechanical, chemical, physical, biological and environmental loads. The project examined the durability of concrete bridge decks to mechanical and environmental effects, for the purpose of evaluating the effects of blacktop resurfacing of bridge decks.

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