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Hong Yang is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Modeling, Simulation & Visualization Engineering at the Old Dominion University. He was a Post-doctoral Fellow at the Center for Urban Science and Progress (CUSP) at the New York University (NYU), and the Department of Civil and Urban Engineering at NYU Polytechnic School of Engineering. Hong received a Ph.D. degree in Civil Engineering and a Master degree in Statistics from Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey; a Master degree in Transportation Planning and Management from Tongji University; and a Bachelor's degree in Transportation Engineering from the Southwest Jiaotong University. Hong's academic and professional activities and interests span a number of areas such as Transportation Safety, Intelligent Transportation Systems, Traffic Simulation and Modeling, Incident and Emergency Management, Transportation Planning, and Traffic Operation. Hong is also actively involved in Urban Informatics and Big Data mining in transportation systems. Hong has been working on a number of transportation projects funded by different agencies. Hong is the author and co-author of a number of scientific publications in journals and conference proceedings.

Assistant Professor, Department of Modeling, Simulation & Visualization Engineering