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Dr. Michael Carpenter
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<p>Through support of a University Transportation Research Center Faculty Development Minigrant an invest igation was made into the use of RFID based sensing technologies for transportation purposes. Transportation applications would potent i a l ly include the wireless detection of overweight t rucks, remote and automated emissions monitoring of vehicles, corrosion of infrast ructure and transportation security applications. Sustainable transport a t ion would be improved through savings real ized by a reduction in the cost of sensor technologies as well as the signi ficant cost savings and environmental impacts realized by reducing the damage to roads and bridges by the efficient detection of overweight t rucks, a reduction in the number of vehicles with emissions violations, in-situ detection of inf rastructure cor rosion to enable just in t ime maintenance and improved safety of mass transi t. Commercially available RFID tags cost $0.1 and are being used in a wide range of applications including, shipping, warehouse management among others. Recent ly Wake Inc. has developed methods for incorporation of RFID tags into concret e structures for in-si t u measurement of the curing process. Whi le these tags cost more than $0.1, due to the enhanced packaging, they are able to measure the temperature of concrete structures to determine when the structure has cured. Typical protocols require that concrete &#39;cure&#39; for a mandatory 28 days so that its maximum strength is achieved.</p>

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