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Student Report

Keeping Up with the Trend ‐ Improving the Residential Location Model for the New York Metropolitan Region  

In this research project, I seek to answer two questions that relate to residential location choices and housing search. For residential location choices, I draw upon the life course theory and unpack residential self‐selection by examining the roles of involuntary past location experiences on later choices. For housing search, I draw upon concepts of mental map and awareness space and examine the role of intra‐household dynamics and the dynamics played out during the sequential moves of a search on the extent of a spatial search for housing.

Mobile Source Emission Reduction In the NYMTC Region

Hybrids electric vehicles (HEVs) have already been used in the NYMTC region for the past decade. HEVs involve increasing the efficiency of gasoline or diesel vehicles. For the NYMTC region, this entails more miles of travel to the gallon and cheaper fuel costs. The Metropolitan Transportation Authority (MTA) and New York City Transit (NYCT) have used hybrid vehicles for a significant amount of their fleet and will add more hybrid vehicles in the near future.

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