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While the dream of an automated vehicle-highway system has been around for some time, we are witnessing a convergence of technologies that promise to make that dream a reality. Connected vehicle technology and other intelligent transportation systems (ITS) have potential to dramatically transform safety and mobility on the United States’ roadways. These technologies include advances in wireless communications, sensing, control, computing, and automation. The U.S. Department of Transportation (USDOT), in coordination with major automakers and other public and private sector innovators, has been working to advance vehicle-to-vehicle (V2V) and vehicle-to-infrastructure (V2I) communications technology to help prevent traffic crashes and improve mobility. These advanced technologies are near deployment on the nation's highways and are promising to yield massive benefits in terms of safety and mobility.

Several states, including New York, are currently taking concrete steps to enter the field of connected and automated vehicles, and to be ready for the technology once it makes its way into the market. New York State seeks to take advantage of the opportunities afforded by these systems and be ready for the resulting impacts on transportation infrastructure, the insurance industry, and the quality of life for New Yorkers.