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Water Quality Mitigation and Banking

The NJDEP is currently in the process of making revisions to the Stormwater Management Rules SWM. The revisions focus mainly on residential site improvement standards which could potentially affect the highways’ stormwater management. These changes will be more stringent thus complicating the development of highway projects through environmentally sensitive areas.

Impact of Future Freight Transportation Needs on NYC

The project's major goal is to develop a substantive policy paper describing consensus-based solution(s) to the regions freight transportation problems. The solutions will be described both in terms of the capital program actions which NYSDOT-Region II should undertake as well as the partnerships that should be forged with other agencies responsible for constructing, operating and maintaining the region's highway system.

Demographic Study of Incoming Taxi Drivers

The immigrant population has increased markedly in the taxi workforce in urban areas throughout the U.S. necessitating language screening tests as well as longer driver training programs. The challenge of preparing new immigrants to meet the demands of passengers in a complex urban area is enormous. To help meet this challenge, this project conducted a survey of the incoming taxi workforce at the New York City Taxi Driver Institute (NYCTDI) in the first half of 1992.

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