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Protection Technologies for Bridges Against Overheight Impacts

Impact by overheight trucks on highways bridges has been identified to be a serious problem by numerous studies in the past, including a detailed study by the PI in 2011.  Most of the countermeasures for preventing impact of trucks on bridges utilize monitoring for truck heights to warn truck drivers.  However, despite these systems being installed, bridges are still being impacted and some bridges suffer serious damage, particularly to fascia girders and decks.  

Transportation Risk and Resilience Metrics

This research, addressing the areas of Inclusive Advanced Technology Application and Climate Resilient Infrastructure, will evaluate a set of proof-of-concept transportation resilience measures to determine their utility and scalability as state and local performance measures. The research will review the latest scientific literature on risk and resilience measures to catalog methodologies scoring road network assets based on road segment attributes, hazard intersections, network centrality, and accessibility.

Predicting urban stormwater flooding using geomorphic information

Stormwater flooding has emerged as a major challenge in urban areas due to its widespread and adverse impacts on transportation and the normal functioning of the economy. It can also cause loss of life. To predict the depth and duration of flooding at a specific locale, one could use the tools developed for river flooding (due to backwater). These include accurately mapping the terrain and running hydrologic software such as SWMM or HEC-HMS followed by hydraulic engineering software such as HEC-RAS. However, due to the high number of flooding locations, such a task is cost prohibitive.

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