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UTRC co-sponsors the Livable Cities of the Future/A SYMPOSIUM HONORING THE LEGACY OF GEORGE BUGLIARELLO, on Friday, October 26, 2012, from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. at Polytechnic Institute of New York University, Pfi zer Auditorium, 5 at MetroTech Center, Brooklyn, New York 11201.

Registration is free.

The Symposium will feature thought leaders in a vital conversation to address the fundamental needs and emerging challenges in large cities, including water, energy, transportation, sustainability, information technology and the environment. Robert Steel, New York City Deputy Mayor for Economic Development, will open the Symposium sessions at which participants will hear from a remarkable list of speakers. Please join in this global metropolitan forum for open discussion at which the experiences of private and public service operators, infrastructure agenwcies, elected offi cials, the academic community and other stakeholders in the critical urban sectors will be shared.

To register or obtain more information, visit