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Basic Information

The CUNY Institute for Urban Systems (CIUS) seeks to help cities adapt to their changing infrastructure needs through research, education, policy advisement, and advancement of the state of professional practice. CIUS aims to bring together leading scholars and practitioners to help catalyze innovation at public agencies in the planning and management of urban infrastructure systems. CIUS promotes interdisciplinary and inter-campus collaboration across the entire CUNY system on infrastructure education and research to address environmental sustainability, economic, and technological challenges. It also aims to serve public agencies by leveraging CUNY's unique array of research and technology transfer capabilities.


Title Sponsor(s)
Bus Rapid Transit on New York City Streets J.M. Kaplan Fund (JMK Fund)
Economic Competitiveness – Performance Measures for Transportation (Phase 1) New York State Department of Transportation (NYSDOT), Research and Innovative Technology Administration / USDOT (RITA)
Evaluation and Testing of Regional Models Research and Innovative Technology Administration / USDOT (RITA), New York Metropolitan Transportation Council (NYMTC)
Impacts of Extreme Events, Phase 1: Intercity Passenger Travel Behavior - The September 11th Experience National Science Foundation (NSF)
Impacts of Extreme Events, Phase 2: A Systematic Analysis of Individual Travel Choice Decisions National Science Foundation (NSF)
Study of Goods Movement Through I-278 in NYC and NJ New York State Department of Transportation (NYSDOT)
