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Submitted by Tierra on February 4, 2014
UTRC Press Release

Friday, January 31, 2014

Contact: Nadia Aslam
Assistant Director for Technology Transfer
University Transportation Research Center - Region 2
Tel: 212-650-8051

The University Transportation Research Center (UTRC) Publishes the Final Report: "Developing Self-cleaning and Air Purifying Transportation Infrastructure Components to Minimize Environmental Impact of Transportation"

UTRC has released a final report for the research titled: "Developing Self-cleaning and Air Purifying Transportation Infrastructure Components to Minimize Environmental Impact of Transportation", funded by the Research and Innovative Technology Administration/USDOT (RITA). The principal investigator was Dr. Alexander Orlov, an assistant professor of Material Science and Engineering at Stony Brook University (SUNY).

Creating transportation infrastructure, which can clean up itself and contaminated air surrounding it, can be a groundbreaking approach in addressing environmental challenges of our time. This project has explored a possibility of depositing coatings on the existing materials to address a feasibility of this approach. More specifically, we have quantified the rates of removal of pollutants from the air by a new generation of coatings, which can be applied on any architectural elements and transportation infrastructure. We have also used indicators synthesized in our lab to demonstrate the self-cleaning properties of these now commercially available coatings. In addition, we have worked with the company pioneering this technology in the US and Europe to scope the new application of this technology.

The full report is available for a free download at the UTRC website:…

About the University Transportation Research Center (UTRC)

The University Transportation Research Center (UTRC) is a USDOT Regional Transportation Center addressing surface transportation operations, management, design economics and planning.  The Region 2 University Transportation Research Center is one of ten original National Centers, established in 1987, in recognition that transportation plays a key role in the nation’s economy and in the quality of people’s lives. Located at the City University of New York, the Center is a Consortium of 17 major Academic Institutions in New York, New Jersey, and Puerto Rico. Through the Grant supporting the Center, the mission incorporates research, education and the transfer of technology in the field of transportation. Academically based, the work of Faculty and Students – graduate and undergraduate provide a critical link in resolving our national and regional transportation problems while training the future and current professionals who address our transportation system and their customers on a daily basis. For more information, visit