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Recent technology advances have revolutionized the methods of communications between transportation system operators and users, and between infrastructure and system users. Through implementation of roadside, station, and in-vehicle technologies, and especially with rapid integration of smartphones and other handheld computers, users now have the ability to receive transportation information in real-time. Continued research can result in implementation of significant advancements, particularly through partnerships between private developers, transportation agencies and academic researchers.

Performance Evaluation of Asphalt Mixtures Statewide

Currently, asphalt mixtures are design using volumetric concepts to determine optimum asphalt content levels with no means of verifying mixture performance prior to field production and placement. A new design methodology called Balanced Mixture Design (BMD) promotes the use of evaluating and design asphalt mixture using rutting and fatigue cracking methods and criteria to achieve an optimum asphalt content that will result in an asphalt mixture performing well in rutting and fatigue cracking scenarios – thereby “balancing” the asphalt mixture performance.

Smarter Multi-modal Traffic Signal Control with Both Floating Sensor Network and Fixed Sensor Network

The objective of this project is to develop a comprehensive framework with a set of models to improve multi-modal traffic signal control, by incorporating advanced floating sensor data (e.g. GPS data, etc.) and traditional fixed sensor data (e.g. loop detectors, etc.). Especially, we are interested in addressing the challenges of multi-modal signal control under non-recurrent conditions, such as traffic incidents and planned special events, since non-recurrent congestions usually account for more than 50% of the total congestions.

Requirements, Model and Prototype for a Multi-Utility Locational and Security Information Hub

Even if they are hosted in sophisticated GIS systems, the asset management systems maintained by various utilities are often plagued by information incompleteness and inaccuracy.  The locational information is often based on approximate design data that differ from actual "as-built" drawings that may not be even be held by such utilities owning and maintaining underground lifeline infrastructure systems (water, wastewater, electric/power, gas, stormwater, and communications networks).

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