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June 17 – 18, 2013 at Rutgers University, 96 Frelinghuysen Road, NJ

The second Connected Vehicles (2CV) symposium will bring industry, government and academia together to explore the future directions in research and deployment of connected vehicle technologies in our region. Similar to the last year’s symposium, many wireless communication technologies such as Vehicle-to-Vehicle (V2V), Vehicle-to-Infrastructure (V2I), Infrastructure-to-Vehicle (I2V), and Vehicle-to-Other (V2O) that can be used to improve our transportation system will be the centerpiece of this meeting. However, this year’s symposium broadens its scope by looking at some of the emerging trends and challenges automating the task of driving. Initially these technologies can be seen as aids that deliver enhanced safety, comfort and convenience; however, in the long run, they can emerge as autonomous self-driving entities that efficiently share a common infrastructure that accommodates all levels of automation as well as bicycles, pedestrians and other entities that currently use our roadways.

As the organizers of the 2CV symposium it is our hope to achieve the participation of a very large and diverse group of stakeholders that can provide the broadest vision in terms of the major goals of the symposium briefly described above.

2CV symposium will be held at the CoRe Auditorium in Busch campus of Rutgers University on June 17-18, 2013.

Please stay tuned for a detailed program and sessions information, read more at: