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On June 29th, 2012, representatives from the Research and Innovative Transportation Administration (RITA) - Dr. Kevin Womack, Associate Administrator for Research, Development and Technology, Denise Dunn, our grant administrator for the new award, and Lydia Mercado, our grant administrator for the award under SAFETEA-LU visited UTRC at the campus of the City College of New York.

This UTC Kick-off meeting was one of the 22 UTC’s visits held across the nation since the UTC grant has been awarded in January 2012. UTRC was successfully awarded $3.5 million to conduct transportation research, education and workforce development, and technology transfer programs to address the USDOT strategy goals and Region 2 transportation needs.

The Kick-off meeting was well attended by representatives from our consortium, grant administrators from the Research Foundation of CUNY, UTRC staff, and Research students.

UTRC Director, Camille Kamga, commenced the meeting with an overview of the transportation challenges faced by our region and the center’s structure. He also addressed the next scheme for the grant implementation plan through the center’s research, education and workforce development, and technology transfer activities. Representatives of our university consortium were provided an opportunity to brief the RITA on their research projects and capabilities at their individual institutions.

In his remarks, Dr. Womack emphasized on the importance of the value of research and its implementation. He acknowledged all relevant research funding but highlighted the importance of bringing more in-house research projects and programs, which benefit our region and community.

The afternoon session, lead by Denise Dunn and Lydia Mercado, focused on the grand administration and the new UTC reporting requirements for a proper execution and allocation of the funds.