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Mr. Levinson has served as senior vice president of Wilbur Smith and Associates and served on the faculty of the University of Connecticut and Yale University. To quote the Institute of Transportation Engineers biography of Herb Levinson, "Few transportation professionals have been so extensively published. Transportation Research Information Services (TRIS), American society of Civil engineers (ASCE), ITE and a myriad of other organizations cite more than 1000 of Herb's papers. He has worked on projects across North America and in many countries around the world." Mr. Levinson was elected a member of the National Academy of Engineering in 1994, elected an Honorary Member of the Institute of Transportation Engineers in 1997, and received the ASCE Wilbur Smith Award.

Herbert Levinson (Late)
UTRC Icon Mentor, Transp. Consultant and Prof. Emeritus of Transportation
Title Sponsor(s)
Assessing Transit Investment Priorities in New York City Partnership for New York City (PFNYC)
Bus Rapid Transit on New York City Streets J.M. Kaplan Fund (JMK Fund)
Improving Bus Priority Lane Effectiveness in Congested Urban Centers J.M. Kaplan Fund (JMK Fund), Mineta Transportation Institute (MTI)
Potential Long Island Intermodal Sites Study New York State Department of Transportation (NYSDOT), Research and Innovative Technology Administration / USDOT (RITA)
Study of Goods Movement Through I-278 in NYC and NJ New York State Department of Transportation (NYSDOT)