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Dr. William "Al" Wallace
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Power outages affect traffic signalized intersections, leading to potentially serious problems. Current practices of responding to power failures are very basic, ranging from ‘do nothing’ to installing portable generators. The purpose of this research project was to provide the NYSDOT with a better understand the practices of other agencies in dealing with dark traffic signals and to develop guidelines for instrumenting uninterrupted backup power at intersections across the state. The main goals of the project are to: (1) recommend cost effective methods for alternative power at traffic signals in NYS; (2) identify the pros and cons of each of alternative power source; and (3) develop a methodology for identifying those NYS traffic signals for installation of alternative energy power sources. The research activities consisted of the following eight tasks: ‐ Task 1: Kickoff meeting ‐ Task 2: Conduct Assessment of Alternative Energy Solutions ‐ Task 3: Identify and Evaluate Possible Technologies ‐ Task 4: Develop Prioritization Guidelines ‐ Task 5: Perform a Historical Power Outage Analysis for NYS ‐ Task 6: Develop a Specification for the Alternative Energy Sources ‐ Task 7: Plan to Integrate the Selected Alternatives with the Existing Signal Structure ‐ Task 8: Deployment Plan