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Project Description

Protecting the safety of construction and maintenance field crews and motorists on roadways is the top priority of the New Jersey Department of Transportation (NJDOT) and the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA). More than 40,000 people are injured each year as a result of motor vehicle crashes in work zones. In addition, fatalities from work zone crashes have increased more than 50 percent in the last 5 years. The Mobile Barrier, a portable work zone protection device available, has been identified as having the potential to improve the safety of highway workers and motorists.

The objective of this project is to increase safety at highway work zones for maintenance & construction field workers and motorists through implementation of a mobile work zone protection device that serves as an extendable physical barrier to protect the flank of a work zone.

This project will oversee and advise NJDOT efforts to deploy a mobile barrier device in New Jersey.