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Durability of concrete bridge decks to mechanical and environmental effects is examined for the
purpose of evaluation of effects of blacktop resurfacing of bridge decks. Aggressive environmental
actions on reinforced concrete are described, classified and equivalent environmental loads
presented. To explain effects of aggressive environmental loads, concrete transport properties
dependent on: concrete structure, external effects, mechanisms in concrete, and chemical reactions
of aggregates are discussed in detail. Mathematical formulation (model) for durability design of
reinforced concrete structures is presented. The model allows estimation of various stages in
corrosion progression in reinforced concrete structures: from initiation to propagation of reinforcement
corrosion. The process can be effectively described using fuzzy sets. To enable evaluation of
susceptibility of reinforced concrete to corrosion attacks, various electrochemical and
nonelectrochemical methods are presented and discussed. Various types of overlays, that can be
employed for bridge deck protection and/or repair, are discussed with respect to required properties.
Special attention is given to application of corrosion inhibitors in both concrete and asphalt concrete,
if used as a bridge deck overlay.