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Project Type
UTRC Research Initiative
Project Dates
12/31/2006 - 11/01/2007
Principal Investigators
Project Status
Project Objective:

We propose to proceed by, first, reviewing the literature. Second, we will review transportation disaster plans (with respect to health care issues) and health care disaster plans (with respect to transportation issues), at national, state, metro, county, and hospital levels. Third, we will interview key informants in transportation and health care sectors, with a focus on transportation related to disaster (surge and evacuation/transfer) relating to Erie County Medical Center in Buffalo and Kings County Hospital Center in Brooklyn. In key informant interviews, we will seek to encompass the full qualitative range of topics, including the internal evacuation/shelter decision, outdoor site management, and joint healthcare-transportation exercises.

Project Abstract:

During terrorist attack, natural disaster, epidemic, or technological disaster, health care facilities may be internally disrupted, requiring the relocation of patients; or the facilities may experience a surge in patients from the disaster; or both. Though public health disasters and emergency transportation management are each well studied on their own, there has been no comprehensive study of the interrelationship.