UTRC follows the reporting requirements set forth by the U.S. Department of Transportation's Research and Innovative Technology Administration (RITA). The purpose of these reports is to share the funded research results available for the transportation professionals and researchers and to publish the center’s past and future activities in the education, workforce development and technology transfer programs.
UTRC publications include a variety of reports; Project Reports, Project Briefs, Journal Articles, Quarterly Newsletters, Annual Reports, and Conference Reports. These reports can be accessed using the search tool which filters publications by the report type, publication year, principal investigator, and research topics.
Title: On-Road Energy Harvesting from Running Vehicles Author(s): Dr. Lei Zuo, Dr. Xuegang (Jeff) Ban Publication Year: 2014 A new type of large-scale on-road energy harvester to harness the energy on the road when traffic passes by is developed. When vehicles pass over the energy harvesting device, the electrical energy can be produced by the mechanical motion even… |
Title: Performance Measures To Characterize Directional Corridor Travel Time Delay Based On Probe Vehicle Data Author(s): Dr. Thomas M. Brennan Jr Publication Year: 2016 Anonymous probe vehicle data are currently being collected on roadways throughout the United States. These data are being incorporated into local and statewide mobility reports to measure the performance of freeways and arterial systems.… |
Title: Suburban Poverty, Public Transit, Economic Opportunities and Social Mobility Author(s): Dr. Rae Zimmerman, Carlos E. Restrepo Publication Year: 2015 Recent demographic trends suggest an increasing suburbanization of poor populations. Given that poor households are often unable to afford increasing housing prices in many urban areas they are increasingly moving to the suburbs. At the same time… |
Title: The Economy of Preventive Maintenance of Concrete Bridges Author(s): Dr. Riyad S. Aboutaha Publication Year: 2016 The most economical approach to maintain existing concrete bridges is by adopting an active preventive maintenance approach. An in-depth investigation of the combined deterioration effects of various deterioration mechanisms is needed to… |
Title: The Role of Social Media in Improving the Safety and Efficiency of Traffic Operations Author(s): Dr. William "Al" Wallace, Jeffrey Wojtowicz Publication Year: 2015 The objective of this project was to present an assessment of how social media is used to support the management of traffic operations during non-routine events. To accomplish this, the authors reviewed literature related to social media use for… |
Title: The Role of Social Media in Improving the Safety and Efficiency of Traffic Operations during Non-Routine Events such as Incidents and Planned Special Events Author(s): Dr. William "Al" Wallace, Dr. Xuegang (Jeff) Ban, Jeffrey Wojtowicz Publication Year: 2015 Social media has become an integral part of modern communication. There is however no clear consensus among transportation managers on how social media could or should be used to collect or disseminate actionable information. To provide guidance… |
Title: Requirements, Model and Prototype for a Multi-Utility Locational and Security Information Hub Author(s): Dr. Fadi A. Karaa Publication Year: 2015 This project lays the foundation for building and exchange hub for locational and security data and risk assessment of potential excavation work. It acts primarily at 2 stages: upstream of the mark-out process, as a decision support tool to… |
Title: Real-time Dynamic Pricing for Bicycle Sharing Programs Author(s): Dr. Changhyun Kwon, Jee Eun Kang Publication Year: 2014 This paper presents a new conceptual approach to improve the operational performance of public bike sharing systems using pricing schemes. Its methodological developments are accompanied by experimental analyses with bike demand data from Capital… |
Title: Omitted Variable Bias in Crash Reduction Factors Author(s): Dr. Robert B. Noland Publication Year: 2015 Transportation planners and traffic engineers are increasingly turning to crash reduction factors to evaluate changes in road geometric and design features in order to reduce crashes. Crash reduction factors are typically estimated based on… |
Title: Network System Effects of Mileage Fee Author(s): Dr. Xuegang (Jeff) Ban Publication Year: 2015 This project presents a comprehensive investigation about the network effects of MF to facilitate the developments of proper MF policies. After a practice scan and a review of the recent literature on MF, a multiclass mathematical programming… |
Title: Development of a Comprehensive Inventory Management System for Underground Fiber Optic Conduits Author(s): Dr. Fadi A. Karaa Publication Year: 2013 Major State Departments of Transportation operate and maintain networks of thousands of miles of conduits, many carrying fiber optic cables that are vital to State communication systems. These conduits are located alongside or across highways and… |
Title: Evaluating the Role of Private Investment in Infrastructure Assets Author(s): Dr. Huaizhu (Oliver) Gao, Dr. Rick Geddes Publication Year: 2015 Public Private Partnership (P3) projects are likely to fundamentally impact entire transportation systems. However, most studies are focused on system modeling rather than policy analysis, and few studies have examined the impacts of P3s on real-… |
Title: Effects of Overweight Vehicles on NYSDOT Infrastructure Author(s): Dr. Michel Ghosn, Dr. Neville A. Parker Publication Year: 2015 This report develops a methodology for estimating the effects of different categories of overweight trucks on NYSDOT pavements and bridges. A data mining algorithm is used to categorize truck data collected at several Weigh-In-Motion stations… |
Title: The Game-Theoretic National Interstate Economic Model: An Integrated Framework to Quantify the Economic Impacts of Cyber-terrorist Behavior Author(s): Dr. JiYoung Park Publication Year: 2014 This study suggests an integrated framework to quantify cyber attack impacts on the U.S. airport security system. A cyber attack by terrorists on the U.S. involves complex strategic behavior by the terrorists because they could plan to invade an… |
Title: Potential Long Island Intermodal Sites Study Author(s): Publication Year: 2011 This Study was prepared in response to the Governor's directive to conduct an extensive analysis of the feasibility of a truck/rail facility on Long Island. It was designed to answer three questions: Is an… |
Title: Potential Long Island Intermodal Sites Study Author(s): Dr. Robert E. Paaswell, Herbert Levinson (Late), Allen J. Zerkin, J.D., Benjamin Miller Publication Year: 2011 This Study was prepared in response to the Governor's directive to conduct an extensive analysis of the feasibility of a truck/rail facility on Long Island. It was designed to answer three questions: Is an… |
Title: Using Mobile Computers to Automate the Inspection Process for Highway Construction Projects Author(s): Dr. José L. Perdomo Rivera, Dr. Didier M. Valdés-Díaz Publication Year: 2013 Highway construction projects are characterized by the large amount of data that needs to be collected, processed, and exchanged among the different project participants. Collection of construction inspection data, in particular, allows field… |
Title: Designing, Developing and Implementing a Living Snow Fence Program for New York State Author(s): Dr. Timothy A. Volk Publication Year: 2015 Living snow fences (LSF) are a form of passive snow control designed to mitigate blowing and drifting snow problems on roadways. Blowing and drifting snow can increase the cost of highway maintenance and create hazardous driving conditions when… |
Title: Impact of Polymer Modification on Mechanical Viscoelastic Properties Author(s): Dr. Yusuf A. Mehta Publication Year: 2015 This study was initiated with the aim of evaluating the relative impact of different cross-linking agents on the rheological and morphological properties of polymer modified asphalt binders (PMAs). To complete this objective, two cross-linking… |
Title: Analysis of Energy Efficient Highway Lighting Retrofits Author(s): Dr. Mark Rea, Dr. John Bullough Publication Year: 2015 Solid state lighting technology is advancing rapidly to a point where light emitting diode (LED) lighting systems can be viable replacements for existing lighting systems using high pressure sodium (HPS). The present report summarizes analyses… |